The QL is one of the main muscles responsible for back pain.

The two most commonly used muscles when exercising the lower back area are the multifidus and quadratus lumborum(QL).

These muscles –

· Extend and stabilize the lumbar spine and pelvis

· Lift the hip

· Help in breathing

If you’re experiencing back pain, massaging these muscles (along with the gluteus medius or the middle muscle in the butt) will usually help alleviate the pain.

How to:
1. Choose the attachment.

2. Turn the @HypericeVideohypervolt massage gun on and choose the speed setting.

3. Apply Hypervolt to the body.

Using massage gun for warm-ups and between sets:
1. Start at the origin of the muscle. Go back and forth across muscle fibers for 10-15 seconds.

2. Run the massager for another 10-15 seconds at the insertion of muscle fibers in a back and forth motion.

3. Finally, take another 10-15 seconds and run the massage gun along all muscle fibers.

For cool-downs:
1. Float the Hypervolt across all the muscle fibers.

2. Move the gun from side to side and then back and forth.

3. Do this for a maximum of 120 seconds (2 minutes).

For recovery or relaxation:
1. Run the Hypervolt across all the muscle fibers, going back and forth and side to side.

2. You can do this for 90 to 120 seconds (1.5-2 minutes).
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