Archive for the 'health' Category

How do I use massage gun massager for Low Back Pain and Tightness? By Beverly Hills Chiropractor

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The QL is one of the main muscles responsible for back pain.

The two most commonly used muscles when exercising the lower back area are the multifidus and quadratus lumborum(QL).

These muscles –

· Extend and stabilize the lumbar spine and pelvis

· Lift the hip

· Help in breathing

If you’re experiencing back pain, massaging these muscles (along with the gluteus medius or the middle muscle in the butt) will usually help alleviate the pain.

How to:
1. Choose the attachment.

2. Turn the @HypericeVideohypervolt massage gun on and choose the speed setting.

3. Apply Hypervolt to the body.

Using massage gun for warm-ups and between sets:
1. Start at the origin of the muscle. Go back and forth across muscle fibers for 10-15 seconds.

2. Run the massager for another 10-15 seconds at the insertion of muscle fibers in a back and forth motion.

3. Finally, take another 10-15 seconds and run the massage gun along all muscle fibers.

For cool-downs:
1. Float the Hypervolt across all the muscle fibers.

2. Move the gun from side to side and then back and forth.

3. Do this for a maximum of 120 seconds (2 minutes).

For recovery or relaxation:
1. Run the Hypervolt across all the muscle fibers, going back and forth and side to side.

2. You can do this for 90 to 120 seconds (1.5-2 minutes).
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Massage ayurvédique découvrez les bienfaits de l'Ayurveda

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Massage selon Ayurveda – Cours complet
L’Ayurveda est la médecine douce traditionnelle de l’Inde ancienne. Elle s’intéresse à l’équilibre général de l’individu et propose plusieurs techniques pour rééquilibrer l’énergie.

MBLEx Practice Test #3 – Pathology | TruePrep

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Download the app on the App Store for free MBLEx Practice Tests:

Today topic: Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, Special Populations

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MBLEx – Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination

The MBLEx (Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination) is governed by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards FSMTB. It is designed to provide a standard examination for students of Massage for entry-level professional scope of practice in gaining licensure. The FSMTB was established in 2005 with the intent to build a support system for the Member Boards. Their goals from the beginning were to work towards cooperation in implementing regulations and procedures for the requirements to establish safe and effective Massage Therapy and Bodywork practices. The exam has eight concentrated areas of content: Client assessment, reassessment, and treatment plans, Benefits and Physiological effects of Techniques, Pathology with Contraindications, areas of Caution, and Special Populations, Massage and Bodywork Modalities/ Culture/ History, Ethics- Boundaries-Laws & Regulations, Guidelines for Professional Practice, Kinesiology, and Anatomy & Physiology.
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L’Ayurvéda, “science de la vie”en sanskit est née il y plus de 5000 ans dans le Kérala, région du sud de l’Inde.
Reconnue depuis 1982 par l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé en tant que médecine traditionnelle, elle est toujours considérée comme l’un des systèmes de santé les plus efficace au monde.
Concrètement, la méthode repose sur l’équilibre de trois énergies fondamentales, ou Doshas, propres à chacun. En identifiant clairement la composition de sa nature profonde, on peut évaluer ses besoins pour retrouver sa vitalité, son humeur, en un mot : Une bonne santé.
L’ayurvéda est une médecine avant tout de prévention en permettant au corps par une alimentation ciblée, des massages et soins à base d’huile chaude aux plantes médicinales naturelles de conserver l’équilibre et une relation du corps à l’émotionnel (mental) saine.
Une intelligence innée et absolument sans défauts se cache dans nos cellules, elle circule sans cesse par notre énergie vitale, Prana en indien, et est tout à fait capable d’inverser le processus de la maladie ou de la vieillesse.
La méditation et le yoga sont également partie intégrante de cette recherche de “santé parfaite” comme nous l’explique Deepak Chopra, médecin conférencier indien connu dans le monde entier.
L’ Ayurvéda à la particularité de prendre en compte l’homme dans sa globalité, ne séparant l’esprit du corps, le conscient du subconscient, l’émotionnel restant toujours l’axe central.

Nous recevons aujourd’hui Devi Beurel, Américano-Brésillienne passionnée par l’ayurvéda et experte en massages et soins ayurvédiques.
C’est à San Francisco qu’elle découvrit le massage bien-être et qu’elle y exerça pendant quelques années avant d’avoir une véritable révélation pour l’ayurvéda lors d’un séjour en Inde.
Devenu après de nombreuses années entre l’Inde, le Brésil et la France, une véritable experte en ce domaine, Devi transmet son savoir aux quatres coins de l’hexagone et de l’Europe en organisant des stages et formations.
Elle nous raconte son parcours avec son cœur et nous livre sa connaissance avec enthousiasme et joie de vie.

Best Massage Chair under $1000 vs. $10000 2021 reviews

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Can you tell the difference? Today we test the differences between a cheap vs an expensive massage chair.

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Deep Tissue Massage Gun​

Shiatsu Foot Massager With Heat​

Handheld Deep Tissue Massager

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Tous les bienfaits des massages ayurvédiques – La Quotidienne

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Cette semaine, Anne-Marie Gabelica nous dira tout sur les bienfaits d’un massage indien : le massage ayurvédique !
Video Rating: / 5

Top 5 Best Massage Beds in 2021 Reviews

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Top 5 Best Massage Beds in 2021 Reviews

☛ All The Links to Best Massage Beds listed in this Video:-
5. Nuga Best NM 5000P New Massage Bed:

4. Deluxe Jade Therapy Massage Bed:

3. Ceragem Master V3 MB-1101 Massage Bed:

2. Ceragem Master Thermal Massage Bed:

1. WP Jade Therapy Massage Bed:

#Top_5_Best_Massage_Beds_in_2021 #Massage_Beds #Best_Massage_Beds

You are Searching Best Massage Beds for buy? You are in the right place for getting the important information on Massage Beds.

In this video we short listed the Top 5 Best Massage Beds in 2021. We make this list based on our own opinion.
After perform our experiment based on their price, quality, durability, brand reputation and other related issue and we ranked them no special request or influence.

We have checked each Massage Beds and tried to include an in-depth information of Massage Beds in our Video which will be sufficient to fulfill all of your demand. We recommended Top 5 Best Massage Beds In this video. If you want to buy Best Massage Beds, we hope this list will be helpful to you.

Thanks for watching. If this video was helpful to you, Please like the video and stay with us by subscribing to the channel to get the latest videos.

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Video Rating: / 5

My Cat's Reaction to The Massager

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I recorded my cat with a massager.
Video Rating: / 5

Top 5 Best Massage Gun of (2021)

Top 5 Best Massage Gun of (2021)

➜ Links to the Best Massage Guns 2021 we listed in this video:

►US Links◄
➜ 5. LifePro Sonic –
➜ 4. Exerscribe Vybe V2 –
➜ 3. TimTam Power Massager –
➜ 2. Hyperice Hypervolt –
➜ 1. Theragun Prime –
►UK Links◄
➜ 5. LifePro Sonic –
➜ 4. Exerscribe Vybe V2 – N/A
➜ 3. TimTam Power Massager –
➜ 2. Hyperice Hypervolt –
➜ 1. Theragun Prime – N/A
►CA Links◄
➜ 5. LifePro Sonic –
➜ 4. Exerscribe Vybe V2 –
➜ 3. TimTam Power Massager –
➜ 2. Hyperice Hypervolt –
➜ 1. Theragun Prime – N/A

We have just laid out the top 5 best massage guns 2021. In 5th place is the LifePro Sonic, our pick for the best budget massage gun. In 4th place is the Exerscribe Vybe V2, our pick for the best value massage gun. In 3rd place is the TimTam Power Massager, our pick for the best high-intensity massage gun. In 2nd place is the Hyperice Hypervolt, our pick for the best premium massage gun. In 1st place is the Theragun Prime, our pick for the best overall massage gun.

DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Affiliate commissions help fund videos like this one.

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ベトナム美女ギーちゃんとイチャイチャ理髪店!| #6 Full | ASMR

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Cheap $75 Portable Massage Table by BestMassage | Is it Worth It? (How to Assemble & Pack Up)

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Here is a portable massage table that i bought for . You can adjust the height from 24″ to 33″, the length of the table is 73″ not including the headrest, the width is about 24″, it has a 2″ comfy cushion pvc leather, it folds up into a suit case that is about 28lbs, they claim weight max weight is 450lbs and this table is also great for taking naps at office.

Massage Table Massage Bed Spa Bed 73″ Long Portable 2 Folding W/Carry Case Table Height Adjustable Salon Bed Face Cradle Bed by BestMassage:

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